Forums - Wong's godlike Magneto Show all 135 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Wong's godlike Magneto ( Posted by fireballtrap on 05:30:2001 01:06 AM: Wong's godlike Magneto Holy shit!!! He TOTALLY lived up to the hype!!! He lefted me saying "what the fuck was that?" like I hoped that he would. There is some crazy shit in those ECC vids. Can someone please explain some of the parts where his Mag is just blazin'? Like where he avoids the AHVB really fast (and the guy in the back says that shit is fast). And in the second vid where he crosses up Spiral hella fast at the beginning. How the hell did he do that? And at the end, where Wong just does SJRH like twenty times in rapid succession. Is that some super fast SJ cancelling shit? I know I am not the only one who was left in awe, share your comments and tell how you do some of that shit. Posted by ThugginPinoy on 05:30:2001 01:08 AM: where did you get those ECC vidz at? Posted by fireballtrap on 05:30:2001 01:13 AM: Here: Posted by Jonstar! on 05:30:2001 01:17 AM: Well, I can't tell you what he did to dodge that AHVB that fast, but i'm pretty sure it was just a normal SJ, canceled into airdash.. Or i dunno if this goes faster, he mite do this.. SJ FP, canceld into airdash, then FP .. His repitions of moves were just SJ RH, canceled into DF Dash RH. Its very hard to block cuz he mixes up his patters.. eg: Sometimes crossup, sometimes no cross up, and so on. I can't really tell you what he does because i'm not Jwong. Btw, the thing he did to spiral at the beginning; I think he did SJ RH(doing diagonally to spirals side) and then quickly dashing back where he originally was and crossing up. Posted by fireballtrap on 05:30:2001 01:29 AM: Thanks Jonstar!, that explains the crossup and some of that other shit. Hey, i got another one. When Ricky goes for a AHVB on the second vid, Wong is right on top of him and it looks like he just did a Sj RH at the super pause. But then as soon as it ends, he grabs him. Is there some sort of Rh cancelling thing or is this just the mystery that is JWong? Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 05:30:2001 01:41 AM: who won that tournament anyways? Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 05:30:2001 01:50 AM: oops...wong did...i knew that ^^; Posted by Dc1 on 05:30:2001 01:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by fireballtrap Thanks Jonstar!, that explains the crossup and some of that other shit. Hey, i got another one. When Ricky goes for a AHVB on the second vid, Wong is right on top of him and it looks like he just did a Sj RH at the super pause. But then as soon as it ends, he grabs him. Is there some sort of Rh cancelling thing or is this just the mystery that is JWong? well it was just fast reaction on justin's part he wanted to hit ricky with a sj.rk, but ricky did a AHVB in his face, so Justin reacted with a throw(which make a invinsible), that's it Posted by Chaotic Blue on 05:30:2001 03:13 AM: Of course if your that close to an AHVB you wont get hit, so he could throw him. also all that triangle jumping is just SJ F.kick dash down F.kick. everyone can do it. Its just that I guess he somehow does it safely. (from what I hear) In those vids Rick had no kinda anti air. But hey. whatever. C. Blue stares at the screen knowing still that he should be doing homework. Posted by BlackShinobi on 05:30:2001 03:28 AM: I didn't see the second and third videos but is the match in there where justin grabbed ricky out of a AHVB from the front that was a true WTF moment. You know what I haven't mentioned all day. I was stnding right next to the camera for the entire finals and I might just be one of the people that everyone is complaining about, but since I only saw one video and I had to turn the sound all the way down so I still don't know. Posted by captainsaveahoe on 05:30:2001 07:23 AM: All I got to say is .. Oh my god...... wtf.......ohh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Posted by Ouroborus on 05:30:2001 07:27 AM: My only grope was why didn't Ricky Ortiz utilize Spiral's teleports? I think that if he did, he woun't have lost Spiral badly on the first match. His Spiral was trapped on the corner and he didn't even teleport. He should mixed in her Expanding Swords (qcf+lk) with the walls of sword because it does keep magneto from rushing in, especially in the air. Posted by Mr. E on 05:30:2001 09:10 AM: if ricky teleported he would have ate a chunk of damage from cammy. It ain't to safe to teleport against mags since he never really quite commits to any given direction. Posted by dragonkahn on 05:30:2001 01:47 PM: HAHAHA, vedy good, but not good enuff, grasshoppa. If that's EC's best Mag they'll be in for a surprise when B5 comes around. Wait til they play ShadyK, COMBO FIEND, or Soo. Posted by Dynamyte2U on 05:30:2001 02:04 PM: The best part of those vids is the part when somebody said: "HAHA! He mashes like a fag." (or something like that.) Posted by jlepore on 05:30:2001 04:29 PM: I would have to say that yea his mags was pretty good, but i mean without any good aaa, anyones mags can go crazy on someone, i just think it was more of poor team selection than his mags being godlike. Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 04:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus My only grope was why didn't Ricky Ortiz utilize Spiral's teleports? I think that if he did, he woun't have lost Spiral badly on the first match. His Spiral was trapped on the corner and he didn't even teleport. He should mixed in her Expanding Swords (qcf+lk) with the walls of sword because it does keep magneto from rushing in, especially in the air. He did use the teleport, he used it to escape Wong's AHVB. Posted by Naslectronical on 05:30:2001 05:31 PM: All I have to say about Wong's Magneto is: DA-DA-DA-DA DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DAMN! I think that was only a glimpse of what his Mag's can do. It'll be even better at B5. Posted by PurePinoy6i9 on 05:31:2001 01:14 AM: that was some crazy magneto shit by wong, but you gotta admit ortiz's team didn't have an AAA... Posted by Monkey on 05:31:2001 01:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by PurePinoy6i9 that was some crazy magneto shit by wong, but you gotta admit ortiz's team didn't have an AAA... He had Cable AAA, and Psylocke AAA. His Cable was in all the matches, Psylocke was only in 1. But he did. Posted by S_G_Ami on 05:31:2001 01:27 AM: that 2nd vid (where wongs mag takes out almost the entire team single handedly was the sickest thing ive ever seen......ESP where he grabs cable out the ahvb im gonna die at b5 Posted by Monkey on 05:31:2001 01:30 AM: What about the third match? He did take out the entire team with Magneto alone. Posted by ThugginPinoy on 05:31:2001 01:37 AM: like what it said it that article, ortiz's teams are weak against magneto... that was the first time i've seen magneto throw cable'z AHVB, some crazy shit. but it was right in magneto'z face so he wouldn't of gotten hit anywayz. that s.j into HK and repeating was tight, never seen anybody else do that (except in one of mag.'z s.j X hk d d/f hk repeat infinite)... i've heard about that wong guy before & that he had the best magneto out there, but i can't argue he'z one of the best, if not then the best, magneto player out there. Posted by S_G_Ami on 05:31:2001 01:38 AM: DAMN THATS INTENSE!!!! i also feel that its a good lesson to tournament newbies this is what it sounds like.....ppl screaming every time you kill one off....ppl telling you what to do....calling it cheesy....asking if thats your REAL team.......its harsh....and while you are gotta ignore it. listen and learn. the best are not just the best b/c they are good players.....its b/c they can take the intense comp at the tourneys. half this game is psychological....hell...thats half of valle's entire strategy. ive lost at tourneys b/c of the pressure....i make sure you can handle it Posted by COLLOSSALSKILLZ on 05:31:2001 02:06 AM: where's jwong from? does anybody know? Posted by dusk on 05:31:2001 02:13 AM: haha JWong frum enycee =p NY baybee haha..well damn i've seen justin play b4 and i'm always wowed haha =p some good shit haha..gratz justin on winning =p...lataz Posted by Strider HiryuuX on 05:31:2001 03:34 AM: lol, holy crap. Wong has either incredible luck or some damn fast reflexes. Gotta agree with everybody else though...Ricky could have done alot better with a better AAA...but still...Wong's maggy was out there. Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 05:31:2001 03:51 AM: All I heard is that wong's mag is all up in your grill the whole match is that pretty much right (Those damn movies wernt working for me for some reason ) Posted by BlackShinobi on 05:31:2001 04:37 AM: why the hell is everyone trying to give Ricky advice. this isn't some guy it's Rick F'ing Ortiz Posted by oORYUOo on 05:31:2001 06:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by dragonkahn HAHAHA, vedy good, but not good enuff, grasshoppa. If that's EC's best Mag they'll be in for a surprise when B5 comes around. Wait til they play ShadyK, COMBO FIEND, or Soo. i would have to agree Posted by Wil Power on 05:31:2001 07:47 AM: Godlike? I don't think so. Not today. In one word, here's my description of Justin Wong's Magneto: Intense. Yep, intense. If you watch the videos, you will know what I mean. But there is always better people out's just that they have to show up and appear in tourneys like B5 or ECC6 or whatnot. Posted by jmmwestwood on 05:31:2001 12:03 PM: Yeah, Justin's Mag was good, and he has his air movement down to a tee, but Ricky didnt do anything like i've seen him do. I know Ricky is better than that. I guarantee that at B5, when Justin is the one getting ridiculed to death during a match, it will be a much different story. I mean, come fuckin rude, cruel, unprofessional, and just plain wrong can people be. Has anyone heard what they were saying to Ricky the whole day? They were saying shit like, 'you fag...queer...etc.' I, for one give Ricky mad props for staying let alone getting 2nd place. Justin has a good magneto, but Ricky has a good Storm, and Storm owns Magneto. Ricky DID mess up havin Cable out instead of Storm and that cost him the round, but oh well. I promise B5 will be a completely different story. I cant wait to see what Cali has to say to JWong. Lets see if HE can live up to the pressure when everyone is makin fun of him for having no hair on his little nuts or whatever. All i wanted to say was dont think that was Ricky Ortiz that you saw. You saw a mentally fatigued Ricky who had been insulted all day in a hostile and childish environment. I thought NY was better than that. BTW how did Skye do? Posted by cheese_master on 05:31:2001 03:47 PM: I can't agree with people who say that Justin's Mag wasn't very good. I will have to say that technically it was very perfect. Never really running into stuff like an idiot. But that was not a good match for Ricky. He was not playing like a national level player. I can tell you the way Ricky was playing I think most players could have beat him. This has a lot to do with the crowd... I don't wanna hear bullshit like this is like professional sports because all I gotta say to the people who say such things is "I didn't see you sitting there and playing in the finals. So you have no right to say what a player should be able to deal with." Back to Wong's Magneto... he does have a fast Magneto... but some one can not say that other Magneto players like SooMighty, ShadyK, and Combo Fiend don't have a equally fast Magneto. But Wong obviously impressed ShadyK. I also have to say Wong does not have a team that increase's Mag's comboability... he has a team that allows Mag to rush down. Thats exactly what he does... so I don't expect some impressive crazy combos from that team. I also don't think Wong was showing his flashiest shit. I am really looking forward to Wong vs Valle. I really would like to see how Wong beats Sent/Capcom. Wong should also be worried because I heard he lost to Eddie Lee's Strider/Doom. And I heard that Cali has Strider/Doom teams up the asshole. I mean who said ShadyK was play Mag over Strider/Doom? Posted by Strider HiryuuX on 05:31:2001 11:57 PM: Hmm, am I the only one that sees the irony in that? You want it to be a fair match when Ricky rematches Justin at B5 but you're all gonna talk shit to Wong? Sounds kinda gay to me. Well, like was said, the treatment Ricky got was fucked up, but that doesn't mean you should do it back to Justin, I mean, two wrongs don't make a right, and it'd be alot more fun for everybody if it was a clean and happy environment for both players. I'd love to see a fair rematch of those two because ECC was...simply put...unfair. I mean Justin wouldn't be able to play his game with all the ridiculing and taunting and stuff, so whateva. The rematch should be fair to determine who is the lay off Wong when he gets here. Posted by AMX on 06:01:2001 03:30 AM: even though that might happen, ricky still got his ass handed to him on a warm platter! Posted by *Dp on 06:01:2001 04:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by jmmwestwood Yeah, Justin's Mag was good, and he has his air movement down to a tee, but Ricky didnt do anything like i've seen him do. I know Ricky is better than that. I guarantee that at B5, when Justin is the one getting ridiculed to death during a match, it will be a much different story. I mean, come fuckin rude, cruel, unprofessional, and just plain wrong can people be. Has anyone heard what they were saying to Ricky the whole day? They were saying shit like, 'you fag...queer...etc.' I, for one give Ricky mad props for staying let alone getting 2nd place. Justin has a good magneto, but Ricky has a good Storm, and Storm owns Magneto. Ricky DID mess up havin Cable out instead of Storm and that cost him the round, but oh well. I promise B5 will be a completely different story. I cant wait to see what Cali has to say to JWong. Lets see if HE can live up to the pressure when everyone is makin fun of him for having no hair on his little nuts or whatever. All i wanted to say was dont think that was Ricky Ortiz that you saw. You saw a mentally fatigued Ricky who had been insulted all day in a hostile and childish environment. I thought NY was better than that. BTW how did Skye do? About skye if you haven't heard already some said that when skye played JustinW skye lost bad with Justin's Magnus only having about 40% damage token off of him and his Cable/Cammy at full-life. Also um...are you sure he messed up with him having cable instead of storm cause his "bidness team" Cable/Storm/Psy,Cyke is suppose to start off with Cable AHVBing to Storm's hail then running away the rest of the match, but again maybe I heard wrong about how this team functions. Tell me do you really think it would make sense to not have a quick 2 frame supers that do about half your life, which is why cable is first then DHCing to storm. Posted by mirage on 06:01:2001 04:23 AM: where are there pics that show what all these high profile players look like? Posted by Flaron on 06:01:2001 05:11 AM: Why the hell are some of you guys blaming Wong for? He didn't talk any shit. It was some of the people in the CROWD Posted by Galford on 06:01:2001 05:21 AM: Yeah, Justin's mag was good, but it didn't WOW me like Duc's. Hell, Duc doesn't even stick with mag, and I was more impressed with his than Justin's. Justin has a good Magnus game, but against a GOOD anti air...Jin, CapCom, his mag is useless. Let me take that back. Cammy takes out CapCom, but she doesn't take out Jin or Ken. Hell, the guy lost against strider/doom. I can see his magnus eating rocks and his cammy doing the same. His Cable game was weak as hell. It's too bad we didn't see his Cammy in action. I've played Ricky before, and it looks like ANYBODY could've beaten him that day. Hell, it was bad enuff when ppl were taunting him on his sexuality DURING the damn game! Haha, one thing that DID make me laugh in that video was one guy saying, "We're gonna rape Duc." GAAAAWW! My muthafukin' ass! I really don't see Justin penetrating Duc's team at all, but hey, you never know right? Justin's mag had MAD execution, but he doesn't live up to the hype in my opinion...lataz. p.s. i found justin to be VERY arrogant. especially the part when he was staring at ricky when he did the magnetic tempest in the air. childish... Posted by *Dp on 06:01:2001 05:56 AM: So many haters..........."Jin, CapCom, his mag is useless"His "Cable game was weak as hell" Posted by Galford on 06:01:2001 07:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by *Dp So many haters........... So many jockers............. Posted by Wil Power on 06:01:2001 09:49 AM: I have no idea why we should blame the crowd. That's part of gaming. Especially in "uncharted" territory for them WC peepz. Hostile crowds are always there...just like professional football. ...but then again, who said that videogaming was to be professional. It's a matter of respect I guess, and it seems like a few people that were observing the match between Ricky Ortiz and Justin Wong got a little "rowdy." There are always distractions, and it's up to the players to ignore them. This crowd could be an exception...but why whine about it? It has been concluded and the fact of the matter is that Justin Wong did beat Ricky Ortiz. I guess we all can complain, because no one is forcing you folks to stop or continue, but this issue will hopefully be brought to an end at B5...or maybe sometime earlier or later where both players have a rematch. Otherwise, a call for a tournament in a neutral location would be deemed acceptable and fair for all parties. Posted by Maximum Burst on 06:01:2001 10:00 AM: phatest thing ever was how he threw him out of the AHVB. Posted by nex2me on 06:01:2001 12:44 PM: It is sooooo....... ..........amazing how things become so blowing out of porportion. Read Darksidephil post on here. Read the part where its says something to the extent that NO ONE CALLED HIM ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not to his face at least. People will says what they want to each other in speculation but 99% of the people there treated Ricky with the upmost respect, and I can say this BEACUSE I WAS THERE. This has become so much like telephone game, remember playing that back in pre-school how people get the wrong info and it just changes and becomes it own living entity. WTF. And now ppl are saying "OHHHH Justin's not that good" or "I could do that" or "Jusy waits 'till he fights so and so." WTF. It is like a never ending battle that you will never be satisfied with the results. Get over it, you're being over zealous and egotistical. How can you say that Justin will lose against these people. All you have seen is three video's at this point, unless you were there, or watch him play in person then you cannot call it. Tournament play is so different than casual play, we all know this. So to say that so and so will beat whom ever is really too much. This is not some jocking Justin, or hating anyone else. I am being objective and saying put your cards on the table and let them speak for themselves. All that has to be seen is the match. Nothing more need to be said. Posted by Galford on 06:01:2001 06:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by *Dp So many haters..........."Jin, CapCom, his mag is useless"His "Cable game was weak as hell" sorry homie. truth hurts. If you noticed the vids Ortiz didn't have an anti-air effective enuff to take out Magnus. If you read other posts, Wong got knocked into the losers bracket from Strider/Doom. Doom is an EXCELLENT anti-air against Magnus. Second off, Ricky was the ONLY WC player over there, and managed to pull 2nd place on turf that isn't his own. Finally, his Cable game WAS weak. After looking at his Mag, you can tell that he couldn't play with Cable very well. C'mon dude, wake up... JWong is good, but he isn't impossible. After playing Duc personally, I know Duc can beat him. Duc was just a taste of what WC has to offer. The EC only has JWong. Even Sabin admitted that he thought WC mags were better than Justin's. JWong's go to person is Magnus. If/When you kill him, his game falls apart. It's all about strategy, and Ricky made some mistakes. Period. Posted by Chaotic Blue on 06:01:2001 06:32 PM: unfortunately we were able to see Justin play cable on any of the videoes (from what I remember) but if your team is situated around one character, people are going to start snappin him back and forcing Justin to improve the other members of his team However, This is just speculation about his cable. I guess justin doesn't play storm or he really wouldn't seem to have a problem with strider doom. I would thikn that if he has a problem with that team, he has a problem playing defensively (which is normal since he's magneto, that all out agressor) But agian, this is speculation. C. Blue thinks he will own everyone at B5. Posted by BlackShinobi on 06:01:2001 07:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by Galford JWong is good, but he isn't impossible. After playing Duc personally, I know Duc can beat him. Duc was just a taste of what WC has to offer. The EC only has JWong. Even Sabin admitted that he thought WC mags were better than Justin's. JWong's go to person is Magnus. If/When you kill him, his game falls apart. It's all about strategy, and Ricky made some mistakes. Period. 1. Sabin isn't EC anymore 2. When he kicks your ass with cammy or racks up a 30+ game win streak with one of his joke teams then tell me that all he has is Magneto. 3. did you see the entire tape or are you just talking about the three that are online, because his cable is in for about 5(real time) second in one match and in the other one he keeps moving backwards to bait Ricky into coming in so he can use cammy to get a free blocked AHVB so what exactly was wrong with his cable Posted by Rare on 06:01:2001 07:05 PM: Justin's Magneto is not "godlike". I agree, he is very smart with him, and is rather pretty fast, but godlike? No. The only ones who actually blew my mind away with Magneto are Duc(Ducvader) and Soo (SooMighty). And that's not even to mention SooMighty's fucking Storm. I never knew by winning a single tourney, so many groupies would follow Justin. Haha. Lates Posted by *Dp on 06:01:2001 07:13 PM: "After looking at his Mag, you can tell that he couldn't play with Cable very well" Well what do you mean? I just don't get it. He didn't really even get a chance to play with cable. Even if he did is his cable suppose to be a certain way? His magnus is down to earth no flashy stuff, just all bidness his magnus is there to get the job done I mean think about it for a sec. Justin has Mobility(Magnus)+(Cammy)invincibility I have to admit you do have point about his team if something happened to magnus and he was left to face a team like strider/Doom with Cable/Cammy it would be really hard to win it seems. C-blue:Justin does play storm. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:01:2001 08:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by BlackShinobi 1. Sabin isn't EC anymore Why you say that? Posted by disgruntled goa on 06:01:2001 11:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by Galford JWong's go to person is Magnus. If/When you kill him, his game falls apart. It's all about strategy, and Ricky made some mistakes. Period. I really think you're way off on this one. Posted by Deviant on 06:01:2001 11:43 PM: i dunno what you guys are talking about; justin is one of the most technically perfect players i've seen play the game. he doesn't misblock, he doesn't get fooled. i've seen him play in person, and i can tell you that his cable and cammy are just as good. i don't understand some of the things he was doing with cable either, it could possibly be that he messed up, or he has a reason for doing what he did that i just don't understand because i'm not on that level. and neither are any of you. i say he possibly could have made a mistake because it did seem like he missed a hypergrav in between his tempest cancel the one game. but he may have meant it to be that way, because ricky teched almost all of his tempest combos, and he just did the tempest to do a bit of extra chip damage. regardless, none of us could beat him, so i don't think anyone in this forum should be talking anything about what he should or shouldn't, could or couldn't do. thats all. Deviant Posted by Ces on 06:01:2001 11:58 PM: I can't say J.Wong's Magneto is the BEST. however he has the best Mag I've seen in the east coast. I know for a fact that the west coast has superior Magnetos as well. Duc, SooMighty, ShadyK and others although i've only seen very very little of ShadyK and never actually seen SooMighty. but from what i've heard, Im going with them. people need to stop judging so much. analyzing every movement of justin's play...for those who have seen SooMighty or ShadyK in action, could you please explain deep analysis about their Magneto, and Storm. thanks... Posted by StriderDude on 06:02:2001 01:10 AM: jeez, I never knew WC and EC tensions would go this far. Ok, no one can say anything about Duc beating Wong or Wong beating Duc. They never played. And you won't know into they do. Nor, can you say that ShadyK's or any other Mag players is better than Wong and vice-versa. I agree Ricky wasn't playing to his ability and that the behavoir of the crowd was inappropiate. Fact is, Ricky took second, Wong took first. Maybe the EC has only Wong going for them, but we'll just have to wait until B5. 'Nuff said. DC FOREVER!!!!! Posted by VenomFang on 06:02:2001 01:25 AM: Yeah, I find all the "Duc will own Wong" or vice versa crap to be a little overzealous by both camps. But, we on the EC are running high right now - our boy beat a top-ranked WC player, after a long stretch of WC domination. Was the crowd a little too close? Probably. But all we can do now is sit back and wait for the next big tourney. And the question of who will beat who -there- will be answered -there-. -vf Posted by RiX !z Do[]De on 06:02:2001 02:10 AM: most likely a blackheart assist or a capcom assist can do some damage on a rushdown magneto like that Posted by BlackShinobi on 06:02:2001 02:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by RiX !z Do[]De most likely a blackheart assist or a capcom assist can do some damage on a rushdown magneto like that Capcom maybe, Blackheart hell no. do you realize how long he would have to stay still to get hit by blackheart AAA. Relative to the speed of his magneto its almost impossible. I use CapCom or Doom against him, not like it helps, but it is better than Blackheart. and if ShadyK uses strider/doom wouldn't the smart thing to do against Justin be to play that team. which means unless he played Strider/doom/magneto... it doesn't work out He either plays a team that matches up better or he give all of you people what you want to see. Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 03:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by VenomFang Yeah, I find all the "Duc will own Wong" or vice versa crap to be a little overzealous by both camps. But, we on the EC are running high right now - our boy beat a top-ranked WC player, after a long stretch of WC domination. Was the crowd a little too close? Probably. But all we can do now is sit back and wait for the next big tourney. And the question of who will beat who -there- will be answered -there-. -vf its hard to tell who gonna win because duc do has been a little tender in shgl tourneys. but he has been know to come out of downfalls alot. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:02:2001 05:06 AM: BlackShinobi, again I ask, why did you make the comment, "Sabin isn't EC anymore." Posted by BshidoHEAT on 06:02:2001 05:14 AM: Well after all those videos... I can see that Jwongs Mag is VERY INTENSE, so intense that it made Ricky throw out somethings he probably didn't want. Also, the crowd taunting wasn't necessary. But I guess he just had to try to ignore it. Posted by BlackShinobi on 06:02:2001 06:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by dragonkahn BlackShinobi, again I ask, why did you make the comment, "Sabin isn't EC anymore." Sorry, I didn't catch that the first time. actually there is one person who has been saying this for a while, but I heard that Friday people from Boston were saying it when they came to Philly and then I got to ECC. It was like he was a member of the Cali Team. hanging by Ricky all of the time making excuses when Ricky lost. He only hung out with the other people from New york when Ricky was doing it. It was wrong. That night I even heard people from New York calling him a traitor. He was the only person clapping for Ricky in the finals and he didn't clap for Justin. I remember someone yelling something about him being a traitor during one of the matches in the finals. Posted by Flaron on 06:02:2001 06:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by Galford sorry homie. truth hurts. If you noticed the vids Ortiz didn't have an anti-air effective enuff to take out Magnus. If you read other posts, Wong got knocked into the losers bracket from Strider/Doom. Doom is an EXCELLENT anti-air against Magnus. Second off, Ricky was the ONLY WC player over there, and managed to pull 2nd place on turf that isn't his own. Finally, his Cable game WAS weak. After looking at his Mag, you can tell that he couldn't play with Cable very well. C'mon dude, wake up... JWong's go to person is Magnus. If/When you kill him, his game falls apart. It's all about strategy, and Ricky made some mistakes. Period. WTF?!? You see a couple of videos of Justin and you think you know how he plays and what his strategy is? I've seen him play MANY times in CF And he can use Cable and Cammy VERY well. I've also seen Justin use everyone in MvsC2 VERY VERY well. I'm not trying to insult you, but if his Mags dies and his whole game falls apart then why the fuck has he gotten first in all the tournaments he entered? Wouldn't people load up on AAA just to kill his Mag so once Mag is dead he already lost. Who relies on one character to win? Trust me on this, an excellent AAA isn't going to stop his Magneto. It might slow his Magneto down if you use your AAA right. Justin doesn't run in to many assist with his Magneto or any other character he uses. I'VE SEEN THIS. Posted by Flaron on 06:02:2001 06:35 AM: Oh, and another thing. Doom's AAA isn't excellent against Magneto, it's a GOOD Strider/Doom Trap that's good against Magneto and pretty much everyone else. Posted by Flaron on 06:02:2001 06:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by BlackShinobi Sorry, I didn't catch that the first time. actually there is one person who has been saying this for a while, but I heard that Friday people from Boston were saying it when they came to Philly and then I got to ECC. It was like he was a member of the Cali Team. hanging by Ricky all of the time making excuses when Ricky lost. He only hung out with the other people from New york when Ricky was doing it. It was wrong. That night I even heard people from New York calling him a traitor. He was the only person clapping for Ricky in the finals and he didn't clap for Justin. I remember someone yelling something about him being a traitor during one of the matches in the finals. I think I know the reason why Sabin was hanging out with Ricky and clapping for him. It's because they are friends. Ricky was visiting and Sabin just wanted to hang out with him because they don't see each other alot. Is that so wrong? Posted by Galactic on 06:02:2001 07:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ces I can't say J.Wong's Magneto is the BEST. however he has the best Mag I've seen in the east coast. I know for a fact that the west coast has superior Magnetos as well. Duc, SooMighty, ShadyK and others although i've only seen very very little of ShadyK and never actually seen SooMighty. but from what i've heard, Im going with them. Ooook... You know for a fact what you heard.... Read your post over, man. It sounds really stupid. You know for a FACT that the WC has superior Magnetos. How? By seeing "very very little of ShadyK and never actually seen SooMighty." So where does the FACT part come in? Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 06:02:2001 07:25 AM: Umm im confused ive seen some vids of Shadyk or whatever his name is on and in my opinion his Magneto doesnt even come close to comparing to Wong's this is from what i have seen. I am dead serious about this. I have never seen a Magneto played like Wong's before. Did anyone ever stop to think about this that Rick didnt really know what to do about his Magneto because he has never see it played like that or Wong's Magneto had so many mind games in the his game that it made Rick freeze. Hmmmm think about it. But im serious Shadyk Magneto doesnt impress me as much as Wong's actually it doesnt even come close to impress me! Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 06:02:2001 07:28 AM: No im serious about this Shadyk thing go to and download a match with Shadyk in it now look at the Wong's match WTF Shadyk's Magneto looks like nothing to me once compared! Posted by dragonkahn on 06:02:2001 07:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by BlackShinobi Sorry, I didn't catch that the first time. actually there is one person who has been saying this for a while, but I heard that Friday people from Boston were saying it when they came to Philly and then I got to ECC. It was like he was a member of the Cali Team. hanging by Ricky all of the time making excuses when Ricky lost. He only hung out with the other people from New york when Ricky was doing it. It was wrong. That night I even heard people from New York calling him a traitor. He was the only person clapping for Ricky in the finals and he didn't clap for Justin. I remember someone yelling something about him being a traitor during one of the matches in the finals. OK there are so many things wrong with this post. First of all, you said you saw/heard the way Arturo expressed himself towards Ricky and EC, and then you assume that Arturo is no longer a EC peep. The keyword here is assumption. Same thing with the ECC vids, we saw how the crowd was shit-shouting and ganging up on Ricky, and then we assume that they were dissing Ricky. Again, assumption's the word. Why should I think that Arturo's not EC if you don't believe that I think they were dissing up on Ricky? What makes your point more valid than mine cuz we are only basing on assumptions. Also, has it ever occured to you that Ricky and Arturo are friends? Why should Arturo put his hometown over his own friend? Cuz of pride? Cuz of patriotism? Ummm, sorry, but friendship goes deeper than me, even deeper than love for one's homeplace. Besides, it seems more like Arturo is cheering for his friend rather then Arturo dissing his home turf. So, why you gotta be hating up on him? I don't understand why it's wrong for Arturo to cheer for Ricky. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:02:2001 07:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by Galactic Ooook... You know for a fact what you heard.... Read your post over, man. It sounds really stupid. You know for a FACT that the WC has superior Magnetos. How? By seeing "very very little of ShadyK and never actually seen SooMighty." So where does the FACT part come in? Well, I've seen sum ShadyK and a lot of SooMighty, cuz he's my friend. And I've seen Justin in the vids. From what I've heard, Eddie said he never seen Justin so determine to win, so I'm assuming that was Justin's Mag at its best based on Eddie's statement. Comparing these Mag is quite difficult cuz they have different playing styles. Justin has a lot of in your face relentlessness (like Valle's) and ShadyK does mad confusion (deals lotta damage in a short amt of time). SooMighty can rushdown just as fast as Justin's Mag in the final seconds of the last vid, only he can do it as long as he wants. COMBO FIEND (has a good Mag also) doesn't rush down as well but plays extremely smart. So, I can't tell who has the best Mag, but you can bet ShadyK, SooMighty, and COMBO FIEND will give Justin's Mag a run for its money when B5 comes. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:02:2001 07:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry Umm im confused ive seen some vids of Shadyk or whatever his name is on and in my opinion his Magneto doesnt even come close to comparing to Wong's this is from what i have seen. I am dead serious about this. I have never seen a Magneto played like Wong's before. Did anyone ever stop to think about this that Rick didnt really know what to do about his Magneto because he has never see it played like that or Wong's Magneto had so many mind games in the his game that it made Rick freeze. Hmmmm think about it. But im serious Shadyk Magneto doesnt impress me as much as Wong's actually it doesnt even come close to impress me! Plz don't base your opinion on just one video you saw of ShadyK, there's no validation for it. Shady has more tricks than that, believe me. And about Ricky, he's not very consistent in tourneys. Sumtimes he'll place hella high (Nor Cal, Houston) and sumtimes he won't even place at all (SHGL). Ricky does have tendencies to lose to people he can beat, like Taz in a recent tourney. So, I guess Ricky wasn't playing up to par in the final round. But, I won't let this be an excuse for his loss. Justin's 1st, and Ricky's 2nd. Posted by NerenatwaH on 06:02:2001 07:45 AM: Here's what I think Justin's Mags is fuckin good. In the videos it's the best I've seen so far in my life. But it could've been good for different reasons. Ricky Ortiz as was mentioned before, didn't utilize his teleports enough. It might not have helped much on an offensive level but it'll help him evade. Ricky's team of Cable/Storm/Psy was fine. And it's supposed to be in that order. Cable Storm for battery, Psy for counter traps and rushdown. Problem was his Psy was getting knocked out by Cammy's AAA which wasn't a smart thing picking her in the first place, plus Justin seemed to be blocking at the right time. Ricky wasn't playing as well as I seen him play before (don't know him, i just seen him play). Fo reals tho it seems that he was playing like a scrub. But no worry. He got 2nd overall, and is better than everyone else in the EC except for Justin at this point. People who are hatin on Justin are obviously from Cali (so am I). There's no real point in shit talking unlees you yourself can beat Justin. After ECC6 I have to say that overall WC players are better than EC with the exception of Justin. At Midwest or B5 we'll see who'll win, whether it would be Valle, Duc, Justin, Ortiz, or maybe in the Japanese. You forget that the Japanese are coming, and instead focus on a videogame civil war (from a regular person's point of view something like that is hella geeky, fo reaz tho). That all I h\ Posted by Flaron on 06:02:2001 07:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by NerenatwaH Problem was his Psy was getting knocked out by Cammy's AAA which wasn't a smart thing picking her in the first place, plus Justin seemed to be blocking at the right time. See, This is what Justin does to AAA or any kind of assist. Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 08:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by NerenatwaH Here's what I think Justin's Mags is fuckin good. In the videos it's the best I've seen so far in my life. yeah i agree he has inspired me to get better with my magneto and work on my infinite that i can do on DC but not arcade: sj XX rk XX Air dash d/f, rk repeat Posted by NJzFinest on 06:02:2001 11:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by Galford JWong's go to person is Magnus. If/When you kill him, his game falls apart. It's all about strategy, and Ricky made some mistakes. Period. haha you are sooo wrong. i killed his magneto in ECC6 both fights early on and his cable is no normal cable. hes the best pressure player around. i had halflife magneto, cable, sentinel left. cable came in and messed all 3 up. if you think his whole game is mag wait until you play his cable. or even his cammy. Posted by DarthSalamander on 06:02:2001 03:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest haha you are sooo wrong. i killed his magneto in ECC6 both fights early on and his cable is no normal cable. hes the best pressure player around. i had halflife magneto, cable, sentinel left. cable came in and messed all 3 up. if you think his whole game is mag wait until you play his cable. or even his cammy. What the hell does he do with them? Just play solid? Does he have neat Cammy or Cable tricks or strats? People want to know . EDIT: What did you do to kill Magneto as well? Posted by nex2me on 06:02:2001 07:56 PM: ****Read at your own descrition***** Until B5 happens and the top players play each other there will be no way to determine who is the "best" MvC2 player. All this speculation about who is better than who and what have you is all hot air. Stop blowing it, it only adds fuel to the fire. In regards to "ohh if you kill Justin's Magnusss then he has nothing left" I mean logically speaking, does that make sense? Do you really thing that all he has in his arsenal is Magnussss? Wake-up and smell the the coffee beans down in Columbia, Juan Valdeze can give you just the wake-up call you need. It is not who he plays, it is how he plays. And that goes for all top players. Can you say that Duc is just one team, or that E.lee can only play with V-Sodom? No you can't. There is a vid out of the USA v Japan. In that vid there is a match in SF:Turbo between Guile and Sagat. I counted no less than 100 tiger shots thrown out by Sagat. Guile tried to counter, Sonic booms flash kicks and the likes. Even tried jumping in on him, bad mistake because Sagat just DP him back and started all over again. So I ask this, 1)Does that Sagat player have anyless skill at playing the game than anyone else? No 2)Can he be beaten? Yes 3)Is he god like? No 4)Can anyone else do what he did? Yes And most important 5)Did he win? Yes He used what he had to his advantaged to win. Is what people have seen in the vid all that the Sagat player or Justin capable of? No. Justin used what he knew to win against the team that Ricky had. This is not some joky Justin, diss Ricky post. I personally hung out with Ricky at CF while he has been over here, and I think that he is kewl person to hang out with. Just that the assumptions that are coming through this thread and others are juat so off base that it makes me sick to my stomach. Espically when people don't know the whole truth. It has been one big game of telephone since ECC. It is one thing to speculate about what you think happened, it is another to know what actually happened, like me because I was there. Posted by kuneen on 06:03:2001 12:17 AM: US vs Japan Are there any international tourneys? I would like to see some of the top players from Asia take on some of the North Americans. All this east/west coast bullshit sounds a lot like second grade playground antics. Posted by Amdabes on 06:03:2001 02:47 AM: Man, you know what makes me envy justin so much is his mental game. Cuz I can play my mag just as good and fast as he does, but he has a much better defensive and decision-making game that i do which makes him so much better than I am. Posted by DOUGH on 06:03:2001 02:51 AM: So, who's gonna volunteer to take on "Slammin' Sandy"? Posted by Strider HiryuuX on 06:03:2001 05:07 AM: BLeh, well all I gotta say is I'm gonna be there in the finals watching Wong vs whoeva. Wong's Maggy was probably one of the best I'd ever seen, but I haven't seen Ortiz play outside of the ECC...and judging by that I don't think he could touch Wong...but Since I've never played either or seen Ortiz at full potential, I'm not gonna say anything and just wait til they play again...But that was one hell of a Maggy airgame. Posted by astro86 on 06:03:2001 08:22 AM: ok after whatching all 3 vids i came to the conclution that ricky was a nervous reck and J.Wong took advantage of that i was really not impressed with his sj.rh dash d/f rh technique u have to admit he has a strong rush down but thats it. Godlike i think not, good yes best not i will not take side here cuz the way rick ortiz was playing was just crap he had a couple of openings and he blew them cuz he was a nervous reck and the crowd was not helping cuz they were all on J.wong side if u belive his magnus is a god then u are just a scrub that is kissing his ass i belive i was more impressed when i saw duc and valle go at it with magnus Posted by Galford on 06:03:2001 04:39 PM: Well, since i haven't posted on here in a few days it looks like i have to explain myself. I was thinking that once his magnus dies against MY team, he's dead. haha. In other words, he didn't show me anything in those vids that i haven't seen before. Don't get me wrong, i was PSYCHED to see his magnus. but, that was before i saw the videos. Whenever i come on here i hear how his magnus is possibly the best in the U.S. If that's his REAL team then i'm not impressed. The only thing that i saw that i was like "WOW" were his Shockwave combos. But when i compare Duc's with Justin's there is no contest. Justin's Mag just applied mad pressure on Ricky, but Ricky didn't have an anti air to keep Justin off of him. Duc's Magneto is just a smarter Magneto IMO. for instance, Duc NEVER went for that tempest combo unless he was cancelling into storm. Duc's magneto wouldn't just knock your assist off the screen as a counter like Justin's. He would PUNISH them by taking off a cool 80-90% if they dared show their face. or he would do a snapback combo which would lead to juggle city on your assist character. I'm not showing WC love over EC. In fact, i was VERY impressed with Arturo when he came down here even though he's not EC for some unknown reason . When speaking to Duc, he told me that he's only been playing Magnus for about a month before he came to out Texas tourney. From the rumors, it sounded like Justin's been playing with him hella longer. Duc said that he wasn't impressed with Justin's "godlike" magneto on IRC. Duc's Magneto wasn't impossible and i don't think Justin's is either. I think that Magneto gets snuffed with a good anti-air. If he doesn't get snuffed, then it keeps him back long enuff for you to move around the screen and come up with a way of attack. Storm is a VERY good anti-Magneto character, and Ricky's decision to play with Cable instead of her was probably his bad. But then again, I'm VERY impressed with the fact that he ran through EC and not losing until he made it to the finals. I'm sure the mob didn't help him in his game either. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't go to another ECC again. A single WC player going through and getting 2nd. Wow...I guess we have to wait unti the Midwest Championships and B5 to see who has the best Magnus in the U.S. I'm sure that the WC will try to show up Justin by picking magneto also. Anyway, just my opinion. I don't want to start anything, haha....lataz. Posted by fireballtrap on 06:03:2001 06:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by astro86 ok after whatching all 3 vids i came to the conclution that ricky was a nervous reck and J.Wong took advantage of that i was really not impressed with his sj.rh dash d/f rh technique u have to admit he has a strong rush down but thats it. Godlike i think not, good yes best not i will not take side here cuz the way rick ortiz was playing was just crap he had a couple of openings and he blew them cuz he was a nervous reck and the crowd was not helping cuz they were all on J.wong side if u belive his magnus is a god then u are just a scrub that is kissing his ass i belive i was more impressed when i saw duc and valle go at it with magnus Ummmm, are you calling me a scrub or just people who think that his Mag is a god scrubs? Dunno. The other day when the vids were posted I will admit that I was alittle excited about his Mag and made this post, but since then the novelity has worn off now that I realize I can do all of his shit. Posted by Flaron on 06:03:2001 09:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by fireballtrap the novelity has worn off now that I realize I can do all of his shit. Then why don't you enter a tournament and get first place plus a couple of hundreds of dollars? I'm not dissing you but not too many people can do all of his "shit". Posted by fireballtrap on 06:03:2001 10:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by Flaron Then why don't you enter a tournament and get first place plus a couple of hundreds of dollars? I'm not dissing you but not too many people can do all of his "shit". True. I didn't mean to come off as cocky as I did. What I meant was that the first few times I watched the vids, I was in awe. But thanks to posts like this and many others, we have dissected all of the crazier shit and now it isn't as mysterious or perplexing. True, I can't do all his shit (like what was the AHVB dodge?), but I have a firm grasp on most of it. And about the tourneys, I would love to enter and play Wong-like Magneto, but there aren't any tourneys in south-west Virginia. Posted by disgruntled goa on 06:03:2001 10:18 PM: He's got an awesome Mags but I was actually more impressed with the way he utilized the Cammy AAA. Posted by astro86 on 06:03:2001 11:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by fireballtrap Ummmm, are you calling me a scrub or just people who think that his Mag is a god scrubs? Dunno. The other day when the vids were posted I will admit that I was alittle excited about his Mag and made this post, but since then the novelity has worn off now that I realize I can do all of his shit. yes i am calling u a damn scrub Posted by MeelJ 2 on 06:04:2001 12:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by some idiot regardless, none of us could beat him, so i don't think anyone in this forum should be talking anything about what he should or shouldn't, could or couldn't do. thats all. Deviant Have you seen everyone on this forum play before? Answer: NO Can you say who can or can't beat him? Answer: NO Can I beat Justin Wong? Answer: Yup!!!!! Posted by fireballtrap on 06:04:2001 12:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by astro86 yes i am calling u a damn scrub Whatever, you have never played me, so I think you look kinda stupid saying that I am a scrub for something a think, and not based on how I play. Sure, godlike, is an overstatement, but it is still the best I have ever seen. Better than Duc's and Valle's. And why would I be kissing his ass by saying that I really like his Mag? It's not like I am saying that Justin Wong is godlike. Posted by nex2me on 06:04:2001 12:36 AM: trying to understand........... Why does it make people feel so good to knock down another. Does it give you feel superior. better, what. I am just really tring to understand why people are postin "ohh I can do that" or " he is not so good". It all comes down to a tournament, and who takes first place and leave it at that. How can you sit there and say that his Justin's charecters is shit and that he will get owned by someone else, when you have never seen either of them play. Maybe except for Arturo or Ricky being the one exception to the rule, most people cannot honestely say that they have seen either Justin, Duc, Alex play because of one simple immutable fact......They Live On Opposite coasts. So for anyone to say, by just vid alone, that anyone will own anyone else is really putting both feet in their mouth. That is the main problem with posting vids.....everyone want to see 'em so as to see what everyone is talking about. Yet once they see it, all they want to do is down it or him and that he or she is not as good as everyone been saying. Where does that get you? what does it get you? Peoples egos post what you azz can't cash. Not telling anyone to stop posting, just that if you can't bring it yourself stop living through others. Yes Duc or whomever may beat Justin, or vice versa in the end we all come to play and have fun. Rivalry is good, I am the first to admit that, but why try to stomp on someone who has proven time and again that they are a top contender. Has anyone ever posted that Alex, Bas, or Liquid Metal about how they does not have the best charecter that he uses. NO.........Now why is that do you suppose? (Not trying to take anything away from anyone) once again just trying to understand the need to bash or shit on anyone because they did not "Live-up" to your expectations. I think this has already been said, but do you realize that Justin faced more of the TOP players at ECC than anyone else because he was put into the losers brackets by E.Lee. Think about it, Justins fought his way through the losers all the way back to the finals, and he had to win twice where as Ricky only had to win once. I am in no way saying that Ricky did not deserve to be there and that he did not work hard. But the fact remains that Justin would not have been where he was if "Only his Magnussss was good". Posted by astro86 on 06:04:2001 12:40 AM: fireballtrap: dude dont take it personally man i was jut pulling your tail no need to get agresive Posted by fireballtrap on 06:04:2001 01:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by astro86 fireballtrap: dude dont take it personally man i was jut pulling your tail no need to get agresive Hehe, sorry dude. The smiley face through me off! I thought you were being really arrogant. Sorry, that shit was on me! Posted by astro86 on 06:04:2001 01:19 AM: hey no prob dude i should have made the funny a bit more clear Posted by Raz0r on 06:04:2001 02:22 AM: I'm choosing to stay neutral on this one. I've been seen around CF every Friday and I talk to all of them there. Justin, Desmond, Omar, Sanford, and at times Eddie. They're all great players but rely on Justin. This is where the EC is weak. I think we should all just advance our games. WC has three top players. They have Do, Valle, and Ortiz. We only have Justin. Julien, Arturo, and Bryheem cannot compete at their level. Not putting them down or anything, they all have kicked my ass, but the WC trio are deadlier. As for the shit talking, stop it already. This will escalate into something alot more serious later on at B5, and that might not be a good thing. Just calm yourselves down and check out the results in the summer. This will basically be Cali's finest against NY's finest, IMO. I wish I can go but I cannot say yet. And I spoke to Ricky after the match was over just a little bit before I left. He told me some interesting facts. He told me that those vids we see on are just them playing around. They have a system in every tournament. You actually think they would send us their best game? Just don't underestimate them. And he didn't use his "top team" so to say. I just think he wanted to see what Justin was bringing to Cali and that's all. This will all be over in August, so hold your derogotory remarks to yourself, one. Posted by PuReELiTE on 06:04:2001 02:49 AM: C'mon, you guys are over thinking on JWong's part. What i mean is when he grabs cable out of a hvb its just him doing his pattern. Sj, roundhouse, dash d/f, roundhouse. Nothing special. He wasn't reacting on the ahvb or he didn't do some kind of special magneto grab. When he hits the second roundhouse cable was right there(cable was kinda high on that ahvb) and the roundhouse grabed him. I admit, winning a major tourney takes great skill. We may not have seen everything that he can do. His mag is alright, you guys over hype it too much. Posted by Strider HiryuuX on 06:04:2001 03:28 AM: I think EC/WC rivalries are dumb anyway. Same country, I think you should be more worried about the Japanese(not so much in MvC2, but ya,m in general) I'm sure Wong could teach Valle, Duc, whoever else a few tips and vice versa, and they should. I don't think any of the Japanese players have like North Japan/South Japan Rivalries, I'd assume the all work together and get better from each other. That's what EC/WC should do. Posted by boobie on 06:04:2001 06:28 AM: Alright, enough hype about Wong's Magnus. His Magnus may work against ricky's team. That's only because Ricky wasn't playing to his fullest. I've seen him play exhibition and he's kept magnus at bay. Magnus just as good as wong's. Come B5, wong will be facing teams consisting of cable/capcom/blackheart which magnus has no advantage over. One rush would equal loss of life by capcom. Bring out cable, cable vs. cable, depends on the better cable. Blackheart will keep cable at bay. With cable, all you have to do is wait for one mistake and that's it. Then there's Cammy, she can basically do nothing. Vs Capcom or BH. Capcom will probably jump with HP's which would give him an airthrow advantage. BH will do the demons and chip damage. The only thing helping cammy is the cancel into her super which crosses people up. That's about it. Posted by Deviant on 06:06:2001 11:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by PuReELiTE C'mon, you guys are over thinking on JWong's part. What i mean is when he grabs cable out of a hvb its just him doing his pattern. Sj, roundhouse, dash d/f, roundhouse. Nothing special. He wasn't reacting on the ahvb or he didn't do some kind of special magneto grab. When he hits the second roundhouse cable was right there(cable was kinda high on that ahvb) and the roundhouse grabed him. I admit, winning a major tourney takes great skill. We may not have seen everything that he can do. His mag is alright, you guys over hype it too much. i would think that too, except that he DIDN'T grab him with roundhouse... he grabbed cable with fierce. Deviant Posted by Deviant on 06:06:2001 11:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by MeelJ 2 Have you seen everyone on this forum play before? Answer: NO Can you say who can or can't beat him? Answer: NO Can I beat Justin Wong? Answer: Yup!!!!! hundred bucks says you can't. Deviant Posted by Nuker on 06:06:2001 12:22 PM: did ricky and the green trench coat get together up there? anyways.... yall need to stop the hating on jwong.. for a couple reasons 1) he doesnt talk shit.. he is possibly of the most humble people i have ever seen in a tourny. 2) how the fuck can you people say justin wong sucks and will get crushed at b5? who KNOWS what will happen. you cant base shit on videos. i remember very much how a few east coast said duc and valle sucked on their videos... then what did WC say? "oh that wasnt their best perfomance..." or some shit... dont judge on three videos... the kid is amazing.. ive seen him in 3 tournie, this wasnt his best. Posted by nex2me on 06:06:2001 06:17 PM: I will triple....... I will triple that amount, Deviant could not even hold a candle to I have never seen him play, but for ,deviant, to say that he could beat justin is WAAYYYY to Cocky. All i gotta say is put up or shut-up Posted by Sepehr on 06:06:2001 11:40 PM: justin wong I think that ricky played shit. But what would you do if people were throwing ice at your or bothering you the whole time. Every body was on Justin's side. Any who this was probably the worste game Ricky has ever played. NO anti-air no nothing. Justin's mag was doing the same thing over and over. Superjump HK, Dash DF, Hk. It is really hard to block if it comes in random. I was really desappointed by the way he played with Cable. I think even my brother can play better than that. How old is justin anyways? I know Ricky is 18. 90 percent of the throws were luck. He was doing the same thing over and over. SJ hk, dash hk. There are alot of mag players out there that we probably do not even know who can beat even Justin's mag with their eyes closed. But they are not like us trying to kill themselves to win a tourney. They just play for fun and but they do not play at arcades or anything. Believe me there are. Posted by RiX !z Do[]De on 06:07:2001 05:17 AM: well i thought jwong did a good job, but i know there are much better magneto players around... what mainly came a shock to me is how badly ricky was defeated.. it's not the fact that his mags and cammy connection was outstanding.. it's just that ricky played like shit IMO.. Posted by battlefield on 06:07:2001 05:26 AM: Re: justin wong quote: Originally posted by Sepehr I think that ricky played shit. But what would you do if people were throwing ice at your or bothering you the whole time. Every body was on Justin's side. Any who this was probably the worste game Ricky has ever played. NO anti-air no nothing. Justin's mag was doing the same thing over and over. Superjump HK, Dash DF, Hk. It is really hard to block if it comes in random. I was really desappointed by the way he played with Cable. I think even my brother can play better than that. How old is justin anyways? I know Ricky is 18. 90 percent of the throws were luck. He was doing the same thing over and over. SJ hk, dash hk. There are alot of mag players out there that we probably do not even know who can beat even Justin's mag with their eyes closed. But they are not like us trying to kill themselves to win a tourney. They just play for fun and but they do not play at arcades or anything. Believe me there are. There aren't. How someone who just plays for fun will equla guys that play like crazy, frequentley, against the best in the world. It's competition, my friend. Nothing equals it. I can say my neighboor plays basketball better than Michael Jordan for fun, but everybody knows it's a lie Posted by BlackShinobi on 06:07:2001 05:49 AM: Why are Duc and Alex seen as amazing, while Justin is seen as some lucky kid. I doubt it would be the same if he lived on the west coast. Posted by nex2me on 06:07:2001 07:24 AM: It is amazing how.......... At no point in time was there ice throw at Ricky during any match, espically not with justin. I was there so cut the BS. Now it seems that excuses are flying about how the match went down. Yes there is the possiblilty that Ricky did not play his best. Yes it is true that the crowd was on Justin's side more than Ricky's. It's called home court advantage. Yes maybe the crowd should not have been as close as they were to BOTH PLAYERS. And should I point this the CvS tournament , where Ricky did place 1st, the crowd was just as rowdy and loud. HEY----------->Sepehr, so you have seen better, prove it. Oh you can't because it is casual play and they don't play in the arcades. How convenient?!?! Tournament play is a whole other calibur of play. The mentality that goes with playing against some of the best is way different than playing your friends at home and claiming that you're #1. This is not about jocking Justin, this is about the people talking shit and can't back it up. Using lame excuses. That shit pisses me off. Put up or stop blowing hot air out your ass. Posted by astro86 on 06:07:2001 08:03 AM: Re: It is amazing how.......... quote: Originally posted by nex2me At no point in time was there ice throw at Ricky during any match, espically not with justin. I was there so cut the BS. Now it seems that excuses are flying about how the match went down. Yes there is the possiblilty that Ricky did not play his best. Yes it is true that the crowd was on Justin's side more than Ricky's. It's called home court advantage. Yes maybe the crowd should not have been as close as they were to BOTH PLAYERS. And should I point this the CvS tournament , where Ricky did place 1st, the crowd was just as rowdy and loud. HEY----------->Sepehr, so you have seen better, prove it. Oh you can't because it is casual play and they don't play in the arcades. How convenient?!?! Tournament play is a whole other calibur of play. The mentality that goes with playing against some of the best is way different than playing your friends at home and claiming that you're #1. This is not about jocking Justin, this is about the people talking shit and can't back it up. Using lame excuses. That shit pisses me off. Put up or stop blowing hot air out your ass. nex2me has spoken amen to u brohter Posted by Sepehr on 06:07:2001 11:59 AM: justin wong Hey body You do not think I am right ah. Well you can take your god given hands stick them up your hairy shit smelling ass and go suck a donkeys' cock for all I care. There are better people than Justin all over, but their put their main attention on their studies. Let me ask you a question: What are your marks in school? Now Justin is good but there are always better people. Not me, Not you, maybe somebody else. Those throws were all luck. My grandpa back in japan can do the same thing. Superjump HK, dash HK. Posted by dj-b13 on 06:07:2001 12:30 PM: it's preety good ^_^... Posted by AK on 06:07:2001 02:52 PM: Re: justin wong quote: Originally posted by Sepehr I think that ricky played shit. But what would you do if people were throwing ice at your or bothering you the whole time. Every body was on Justin's side. Any who this was probably the worste game Ricky has ever played. NO anti-air no nothing. Justin's mag was doing the same thing over and over. Superjump HK, Dash DF, Hk. It is really hard to block if it comes in random. I was really desappointed by the way he played with Cable. I think even my brother can play better than that. How old is justin anyways? I know Ricky is 18. 90 percent of the throws were luck. He was doing the same thing over and over. SJ hk, dash hk. There are alot of mag players out there that we probably do not even know who can beat even Justin's mag with their eyes closed. But they are not like us trying to kill themselves to win a tourney. They just play for fun and but they do not play at arcades or anything. Believe me there are. I think the general idea is that justin's mag is just sj rh, air dash rh. You'd have to see him play to know it's not just that. That tactic happened to work near the end, especially since it is somewhat risky yet can have high rewards. That's perfect if you're near the end of a match and you're up by a lot. Anyway, when Justin goes to cali and most top tier teams get owned by cammy/charlie/guile, THEN you'll believe he's got more to his game than sj rh air dash sj rh. Maybe I should have taped those exhibition matches, too. Posted by Sepehr on 06:07:2001 03:40 PM: justin wong Well maybe you should have. Posted by Vonstar on 06:07:2001 07:19 PM: I'll take jwong any day =P Posted by NJzFinest on 06:07:2001 07:29 PM: Re: Re: justin wong quote: Originally posted by AK I think the general idea is that justin's mag is just sj rh, air dash rh. You'd have to see him play to know it's not just that. That tactic happened to work near the end, especially since it is somewhat risky yet can have high rewards. That's perfect if you're near the end of a match and you're up by a lot. Anyway, when Justin goes to cali and most top tier teams get owned by cammy/charlie/guile, THEN you'll believe he's got more to his game than sj rh air dash sj rh. Maybe I should have taped those exhibition matches, too. i agree Posted by Spider_Sting on 06:07:2001 07:53 PM: Re: ****Read at your own descrition***** quote: Originally posted by nex2me Until B5 happens and the top players play each other there will be no way to determine who is the "best" MvC2 player. All this speculation about who is better than who and what have you is all hot air. Stop blowing it, it only adds fuel to the fire. In regards to "ohh if you kill Justin's Magnusss then he has nothing left" I mean logically speaking, does that make sense? Do you really thing that all he has in his arsenal is Magnussss? Wake-up and smell the the coffee beans down in Columbia, Juan Valdeze can give you just the wake-up call you need. It is not who he plays, it is how he plays. And that goes for all top players. Can you say that Duc is just one team, or that E.lee can only play with V-Sodom? No you can't. There is a vid out of the USA v Japan. In that vid there is a match in SF:Turbo between Guile and Sagat. I counted no less than 100 tiger shots thrown out by Sagat. Guile tried to counter, Sonic booms flash kicks and the likes. Even tried jumping in on him, bad mistake because Sagat just DP him back and started all over again. So I ask this, 1)Does that Sagat player have anyless skill at playing the game than anyone else? No 2)Can he be beaten? Yes 3)Is he god like? No 4)Can anyone else do what he did? Yes And most important 5)Did he win? Yes He used what he had to his advantaged to win. Is what people have seen in the vid all that the Sagat player or Justin capable of? No. Justin used what he knew to win against the team that Ricky had. This is not some joky Justin, diss Ricky post. I personally hung out with Ricky at CF while he has been over here, and I think that he is kewl person to hang out with. Just that the assumptions that are coming through this thread and others are juat so off base that it makes me sick to my stomach. Espically when people don't know the whole truth. It has been one big game of telephone since ECC. It is one thing to speculate about what you think happened, it is another to know what actually happened, like me because I was there. Actually Guile won. Posted by Spider_Sting on 06:07:2001 07:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nuker did ricky and the green trench coat get together up there? anyways.... yall need to stop the hating on jwong.. for a couple reasons 1) he doesnt talk shit.. he is possibly of the most humble people i have ever seen in a tourny. thats the best mag i've seen around. but wasn't justin the one saying "you got shot" and "oh that bitch is dead!" Posted by cheese_master on 06:07:2001 08:07 PM: Dammit... fuck JWong for stealing my squad of Cammy, Guile, and Charlie...j/k. Honestly are most people on these forums morons or what? You really think that JWong got this far with just RH airdash d/f RH? Then my Magneto should be just as good as his... but its not... you know why? Cuz he obviously does something better than me. So to all the WC people... stop living your life vicariously through Duc, Valle, and Ortiz... if they do beat JWong at B5... so the fuck what? They beat him... not you. Same with EC people... JWong beat Ricky... not you... so don't act like have any reason to brag. Thank the lord I live in the scrubby ass MidWest. Posted by nex2me on 06:07:2001 08:22 PM: OK lets not start s shit talking thread OK sepehr lets not start posting about dumb shit that has no relevance to anything even slightly related to this thread. That will get us no where. Never did I ever say that there is not someone better than Justin. What I am saying is that either put up or shut up. Talking all that jazz about how you or how others can beat justin is a mute point unless you are going ot back it up. Like someone said, I could say that I am better than Jordan, but it that fact? No........until I prove it on the court on a consistant basis. All that other stuff about marks in scholl and donkey this or what have you only really goes to show you level of ignorance. Can you say "Masters in Design", can you say "Top Honors" in your class. But this is not about me, or about bragging what I can do or what I have. Now explain to me how a throw is lucky when 1) You were not there, so you do not know if that was his real intentions? 2) You do not know Justin, how he plays on a regular basis, and what he is capable of? Maybe, with in the realm of possibility, in your world when someone get's a throw like that it is considered LUCK. But.... is it possible that the level of play that some people are at that doing something like that is the norm and not Luck as you say? Anyway....Sepehr who is "body" lol@u. Did u mean Buddy as in pal. But we won't get into that issue. Hey thanks Astro86, some just love to hate. And bring others down for no other reason than because they can. Posted by Sepehr on 06:07:2001 08:42 PM: sepehr Hey hold your horses body. nobody talked about beating justin. I do not set my piorities on Duc, Alex and other us players. To be honest with you i think japan players are the best. I have lived in japan and just for you to know i came here 2 years ago. I am sure you can see that my english is not as well as your or others around here. I am not saying that Justin is bad. He has a damn good mag. All i am saying is that there are always better people. Now I do not play MvC2 like you guys. I think that justin is fantastic, so is duc, alex and others but to be honest with you. I think there are nothing compare to Liquidmetal, nun, white, 15 and ... we can only wait until B5. I do not know if jusin is going to b5 or not, but take my advice he won't win. He is really good with others. I strongly desagree with those who say it was all because of his mag. But i still think he is nothing compare to other high skilled players like nun, duc, ... Hope we have come to an undrestanding. Just wondering, What is your strongest Marvel vs Capcom 2 team? Posted by BlackShinobi on 06:07:2001 10:29 PM: Spider Sting - Justin didn't say anything during the finals nex2me - This is how it works for some people If I can't do it, it must be luck. If I can't beat it, it must be cheap. AK - WTF? how did you end up in here. Sepehr - NJzFinest is one of the top 10 players on the east coast and AK is number 2 IMO. So I think their testimony holds a little more weight than yours. Posted by Vonstar on 06:08:2001 12:30 AM: lakers got whooped on, gooo 76er's! Posted by Sepehr on 06:08:2001 12:33 AM: Justin wong That is just your opinio my friend. by the way who talked about Ak and .... ? Posted by CaptainCanada on 06:08:2001 12:35 AM: I'm staying neutral here, but to those trying to judge the matchup based on the three clips you've been given, here's a little extra: <-- Click here to download a huge file of the ENTIRE 10 MATCHES. It's the closest we'll come to being there (plus, we get to see Justin's face at the end). And, as some refuse to believe, Justin DOES play a great Cable (even though Ricky sends Magnus out a few times, Justin keeps the pressure on with Cable and Cammy). Unfortunately, we still don't see him play Cammy (think she was only killed twice, and that was as an assist). But DAMN if he can use her as an assist. The three clips that are on skeezie (no offense or anything, of course) were all during the second set, where some of Justin's biggest wins were. Not once was Ricky shown getting off the Spiral/Sent trap as he did a few times in the first series. Posted by KungfuJoe on 06:08:2001 12:35 AM: Re: ****Read at your own descrition***** quote: Originally posted by nex2me Until B5 happens and the top players play each other there will be no way to determine who is the "best" MvC2 player. All this speculation about who is better than who and what have you is all hot air. Stop blowing it, it only adds fuel to the fire. In regards to "ohh if you kill Justin's Magnusss then he has nothing left" I mean logically speaking, does that make sense? Do you really thing that all he has in his arsenal is Magnussss? Wake-up and smell the the coffee beans down in Columbia, Juan Valdeze can give you just the wake-up call you need. It is not who he plays, it is how he plays. And that goes for all top players. Can you say that Duc is just one team, or that E.lee can only play with V-Sodom? No you can't. There is a vid out of the USA v Japan. In that vid there is a match in SF:Turbo between Guile and Sagat. I counted no less than 100 tiger shots thrown out by Sagat. Guile tried to counter, Sonic booms flash kicks and the likes. Even tried jumping in on him, bad mistake because Sagat just DP him back and started all over again. So I ask this, 1)Does that Sagat player have anyless skill at playing the game than anyone else? No 2)Can he be beaten? Yes 3)Is he god like? No 4)Can anyone else do what he did? Yes And most important 5)Did he win? Yes He used what he had to his advantaged to win. Is what people have seen in the vid all that the Sagat player or Justin capable of? No. Justin used what he knew to win against the team that Ricky had. This is not some joky Justin, diss Ricky post. I personally hung out with Ricky at CF while he has been over here, and I think that he is kewl person to hang out with. Just that the assumptions that are coming through this thread and others are juat so off base that it makes me sick to my stomach. Espically when people don't know the whole truth. It has been one big game of telephone since ECC. It is one thing to speculate about what you think happened, it is another to know what actually happened, like me because I was there. I agree it seems to me that there are some people that are out there that likes to analyze a tape and say yeah that person did nothing special I can do it or he will be owned by that person the answer is you do not know till it happens and right now justin won the tourney Posted by astro86 on 06:08:2001 12:50 AM: AAAAHHH GOD PPL WOULD U DROP IT ALREADY LOOK WONG AND RICK ARE BOTH GOOD DOSENT MATTER ABOUT THE CROWD CUZ THATS BULL SHIT BOTH OF THEM ARE GOOD THAT DAY WONG WAS THE BETTER MAN JUST DROP IT GOD U PPL MAKE IT SEEM LIKE U WHERE THE ONES THAT LOST OR THE ONES IN THE TOURNY I GIVE PROPS TO BOTH RICKY AND WONG Posted by TheBestMvC2Man on 06:08:2001 01:23 AM: wong's a chump ....i'll take him on with bbhood/jugg/hulk think you got the guts wong hahaha Posted by NJzFinest on 06:08:2001 08:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander What the hell does he do with them? Just play solid? Does he have neat Cammy or Cable tricks or strats? People want to know . EDIT: What did you do to kill Magneto as well? its not just solid. he plays a very good team at a very high level. he throws. he baits helpers. he gets around the screen. he has also mastered the triangle jump. hes been playing that team for the longest time so he is experienced with every team ever played against it. his cammy is also good because he airthrows alot and just rushes really well. his cable is just smart. he knows how to dash under another cable's roundhouse kick almost everytime. he also reads minds!!! its hard to just tell people why hes not average but to hear some people saying that all he really does is triangle jump and nothing else is retarded. he doesnt dominate the east coast just because of triangle jumps. oh yeah when i beat him i used a counter the cammy AAA. and plus he was going VERY EASY ON ME. Posted by Spider_Sting on 06:08:2001 08:32 AM: Re: I will triple....... quote: Originally posted by nex2me I will triple that amount, Deviant could not even hold a candle to I have never seen him play, but for ,deviant, to say that he could beat justin is WAAYYYY to Cocky. All i gotta say is put up or shut-up Deviant didn't say he could beat him. Meel did. Deviant said I bet u can't. Posted by Pitt on 06:08:2001 04:48 PM: MOVIES Can someone tell me how to view those mag videos? I click on them , and get a bunch of code in my browser window (netscape 6), but no video. Posted by DAMAGE on 06:08:2001 06:59 PM: I can't download any videos from this location, liar Posted by Digicore2001 on 06:08:2001 07:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by CaptainCanada I'm staying neutral here, but to those trying to judge the matchup based on the three clips you've been given, here's a little extra: <-- Click here to download a huge file of the ENTIRE 10 MATCHES. It's the closest we'll come to being there (plus, we get to see Justin's face at the end). 208 MB big!!? This better be worth it. Maybe I'm reading it wrong. 208645 kb is around 208MB right? Posted by Mr. Bojangles on 06:08:2001 08:38 PM: quote: I'm staying neutral here, but to those trying to judge the matchup based on the three clips you've been given, here's a little extra: <-- Click here to download a huge file of the ENTIRE 10 MATCHES. It's the closest we'll come to being there (plus, we get to see Justin's face at the end). This came up as audio only. WtF? Posted by StriderDude on 06:08:2001 09:48 PM: Are you sure we can d/l those matches CaptainCanada? Posted by KKCapcom2 on 06:08:2001 10:04 PM: I have download it. He is really good, only lost 2 times in the video I saw. If you can't dl it, try right click it and then use save as. Posted by StriderDude on 06:09:2001 12:33 AM: AHhhh!!!!! It takes so long!!!! and i have 56K. Dang, I hope DSL hits my area soon. Posted by ssj4sonvegeta on 06:15:2001 07:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by jmmwestwood Yeah, Justin's Mag was good, and he has his air movement down to a tee, but Ricky didnt do anything like i've seen him do. I know Ricky is better than that. I guarantee that at B5, when Justin is the one getting ridiculed to death during a match, it will be a much different story. I mean, come fuckin rude, cruel, unprofessional, and just plain wrong can people be. Has anyone heard what they were saying to Ricky the whole day? They were saying shit like, 'you fag...queer...etc.' I, for one give Ricky mad props for staying let alone getting 2nd place. Justin has a good magneto, but Ricky has a good Storm, and Storm owns Magneto. Ricky DID mess up havin Cable out instead of Storm and that cost him the round, but oh well. I promise B5 will be a completely different story. I cant wait to see what Cali has to say to JWong. Lets see if HE can live up to the pressure when everyone is makin fun of him for having no hair on his little nuts or whatever. All i wanted to say was dont think that was Ricky Ortiz that you saw. You saw a mentally fatigued Ricky who had been insulted all day in a hostile and childish environment. I thought NY was better than that. BTW how did Skye do? I agree but there will be rules at b5! All times are GMT. The time now is 10:08 PM. Show all 135 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.